"To stop and notice how far we have all come" a phrase to treasure.

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Thank you Kathryn!

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Lovely post 🙏 I always said that f I could afford it one day, I would like to go back and live in the city where I was born, and from where we moved from when I was age 3. My grandmother continued to live there until she died when I was age 21, and after that, 15 years passed until I went back. I loved going back, and it still felt like home, but I realised that as much as I loved it, I didn’t crave living there anymore. I’d changed, and my sense of time and place had changed. It was cathartic to come to that realisation.

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That’s so interesting. It’s funny isn’t it, how we hold a place in our head as a static thing, even while knowing that really nothing escapes change! And going back never feels the same if we are shifting in our own lives….

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So thoughtful, your reflections. All the ways we mark time, measuring ourselves against place and experience and our former selves…we are more fluid than I ever imagined. The sea is awash with symbols….

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How lovely. And encapsulating the joy of caring that goes alongside the hard work is never easy but you manage it here x

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